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About Competition Builder

Competition Builder helps you throughout the process of creating and managing the competition.

Assignment of administrators and permits

Assign who can manage and enter information; teams, players, results ...


Allows registration and payment of equipment to the competition


Allows you to enter information about the player and his sports history


Allows assigning referees to the matches and that these raise (or not) results and copy of the match record from the mobile.

Tournament website

It allows to create a personalized web page with all the information of the tournament, self-managed in a very easy way and without technical knowledge.

Custom configuration of tournament phases

It allows to configure the classification criteria for the different phases of the tournament in a personalized way according to the criteria of the organizer. Competition Builder automatically calculates which teams and / or players go on to the next phase and against whom it is their turn to play.

Custom configuration of categories and groups

It allows creating the categories and groups that are desired very easily and quickly through a drag & drop system of teams and / or players.

Management of fields, dates and schedule

It allows creating the fields, dates and time of the matches. Allows you to assign matches to fields.

Upload of results and visualization in real time

It allows to upload the results of each game in real time from the mobile, and see the results and classification also in real time from any device.

History of teams, players and tournaments

The system keeps the information of the tournament, the players and teams in such a way that it can be used for the creation of new tournaments without having to enter again.


If at any time there is any need to add or modify any aspect to adapt it to your competition, we do it. Write to us and let's talk